Crime Stats API Definition
The CrimeoMeter Crime Stats API lets you request crime information including crime statistics and a safety quality index (SQI) for a specific location. The Crime Stats API provides different access points to query.​​​
We've available a new version (v2) of our Crime Stats API that includes our CSI (CrimeoMeter Safety Index).
Please find calculation methodology, sample request and output below.
How CSI (v2) is calculated?
a) Input parameters:
Location (lat/long coordinates), distance and time period
b) Output for the given input parameters:
- "population_count": total population for the given input parameters.
- "incidents_count": total crime incidents for the given input parameters.
- "incidents_types" : all different crime types for the given input parameters.
- "incident_type_ratio": total crime incidents for the specific crime type normalized per 1,000 population (*).
- "incident_type_ratio": total crime incidents normalized per 1,000 population (*).
- “csi”: "incident_type_ratio" normalized in a 0-100 scale (0 is lowest and 100 is highest crime risk) (**).
(*) Nationwide average for the US is 65 crime incidents per 1,000 population. .
(**) Examples:
- If "incident_type_ratio" is 65 then CSI is 50 (Nationwide average for the US).
- If "incident_type_ratio" is 130 then CSI is 100 (Note: If "incident_type_ratio" is greater than 130 then CSI is 100).
This is a request example of the Crime Stats API access point to get crime stats and CSI (CrimeoMeter Safety Index) for a specific location:
Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: (Request your private api-key via the "Contact Us" form).
Output result:
"population_count": 38484,
"incidents_count": 49,
"incidents_types": [
"incident_type": "Theft From Motor Vehicle",
"incident_type_count": 18,
"incident_type_ratio": 24.39
"incident_type": "Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property",
"incident_type_count": 3,
"incident_type_ratio": 4.06
"incident_type": "Motor Vehicle Theft",
"incident_type_count": 3,
"incident_type_ratio": 4.06
"incident_type": "Aggravated Assault",
"incident_type_count": 2,
"incident_type_ratio": 2.71
"incident_type": "Burglary/Breaking & Entering",
"incident_type_count": 2,
"incident_type_ratio": 2.71
"incident_type": "Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts or Accessories",
"incident_type_count": 2,
"incident_type_ratio": 2.71
"incident_type": "Arson",
"incident_type_count": 1,
"incident_type_ratio": 1.35
"incident_type": "Robbery",
"incident_type_count": 1,
"incident_type_ratio": 1.35
"incident_type": "Simple Assault",
"incident_type_count": 1,
"incident_type_ratio": 1.35
"incident_type": "Suspicious Activity/All Other",
"incident_type_count": 1,
"incident_type_ratio": 1.35
"incidents_types_ratio": 66.39,
"csi": 51.07